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Radio is as human as a phone call, as persuasive as a best friend. it can change your mood faster than the sun breaking through the clouds.

In a noisy world, radio’s inherent simplicity is also it’s great strength.
Figuring out what we want to say and how best to say it is the most human of exercises. It's also why radio is so powerful...

persuasive, enlightening, disruptive, entertaining...

There are umpteen compelling reasons to choose radio.
But ultimately it's because radio delivers the goods for advertisers.

radio advertising boosts brand browsing by an average of 52%

radio directs traffic online

Radio has always been a strong “call-to-action” medium, and this is even more true in a world where consumers often access brands via the internet.

Including a phone number in a radio advert is now a rarity. The real effect of well-constructed radio campaigns are mainly felt via online spikes and the subsequent conversions. Radio’s frequent role as a secondary medium means we can listen whilst we do something else, and that means if the radio tells us something interesting, we can be researching it online within seconds (see our ‘The World Today’ section’).

“Radio: The Online Multiplier” study bravely tackled the challenge which keeps many a marketing director awake at night... that is, how do you persuade a web user to search for your specific brand rather than a generic product or service?

The study deduces that one answer lays offline and in creative uses of radio advertising to influence online behaviour. The headline finding - that radio advertising boosts brand browsing by an average of 52% - brings home the tangible impact that radio advertising makes.

For more details see the full report here.


cutting through the clutter

Industry research shows that radio, together with cinema, has the lowest level of advertising avoidance. We know that radio listening is a habitual affair with most of us only tuning in to 3 or 4 of our favourite stations each week. Listeners rarely switch stations and are pre-disposed to engage with a message that is relevant or interesting to them, on their station of choice.

If you’d like to read more about how radio cuts through, check out this report -

'You Can't Close Your Ears'


reaching the right ears

With the myriad of analogue, digital and audio streaming brands now available to listeners and to advertisers across the UK there’s no excuse for wastage.

Whether you need to hone your advertising by demography, by geography or by editorial environment, audience measurement bodies like RAJAR tells us precisely who is listening when, where and for how long.

We use that data to craft the optimal campaign schedule for our clients, ensuring that their ad lands in the right ears, every time. To find out more about how reaching consumers “in the moment” with pertinent messaging can boost your ad effectiveness click the icon below:


radio is personal

We know that listeners tune in to their favourite station for a whole host of different reasons – but generally they do so to keep them company whilst they are occupied with another activity, whether that's driving, working... or just doing the washing up!

What this means for brands is that listeners tend to think of their radio stations as a trusty companion... A very valuable environment for brands to sneak into to get their message through.

But as we know, timing and tone is everything (more of which later) and the same is true of radio advertising. None of us like being "talked at", we far prefer to feel that we are engaged in a conversation which is of value to us in some way.

At radio experts we make sure that we bring this into play for your campaign, so that your ad sits naturally within the station programming, to maximise effectiveness.

If we think about advertising in the broadest terms, it's always been about changing perception or behaviour in some way. Nowadays it invariably asks consumers to like/ share/ follow/ go online/ text/ call/ trial. Brands advertising on radio benefit from the very personal relationship developed between listener and station, bringing with it a level of endorsement and trust that encourages consumers to engage.

radio's multiplier effect

"Brands using radio get their money back nearly eight times over on average, and in many sectors, radio offers the best ROI of any media."

The original Millward Brown Awareness Multiplier Study showed how radio amplifies the effect of TV. Since then the same has been found to be true when looking at radio alongside other channels. This effect stems from radio being an audio-only medium, and therefore stimulates a different part of the brain. We second that theory!

The archive of RAB studies into radio’s contribution to the marketing mix offers valuable insight into its positive impact on ROI, on sales and even on emotional connectivity, as well as a wealth of analysis on how it can be used to cost-effectively amplify other advertising channels.

For more of the science bit, click the icon below:


radio reaches over 90% of the UK population every week

winning hearts and minds

For brands with big ambitions, radio can deliver share of voice more cost-efficiently than many other channels, thanks to the fact that it regularly reaches over 90% of the UK population every week.

In the same way that the music industry uses radio to gain airplay for their artists and create chart hits, radio also creates a sense of ubiquity for brands.

There is a simple explanation for this – we know that listeners tune in on average for 13 hours each week. We tap into this and tend to use radio as a frequency medium.

The upshot is that a brand which is big in radio can create a disproportionately large share of mind for itself.

Talk to us about what you want to achieve, and we can show you how to make this work for your brand.


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In Sync Radio Advertising

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